मंगलवार, 12 अक्टूबर 2010

government should act

     All the hindus are not secular . And so are  the muslims also  . Hence they can not take up,or can not be relied upon for secular tasks . But the government is supposed and have got to be secular .So it should resolve the ayodhya dispute on its own,as being hindu and muslim both the communities of India in itself ,in the light of court's decision.The delay would hamper deeply the progress and well being of the nation .
       My humble suggestion would be to cover up the whole disputed area with a pyramidal construction , in order to make it for history and wo'nt allow any mandir -masjid to be constructed there to show its Nehruvian secularism.There are masjids and mandirs more than enough for older people , and the new generation won't need them anymore .
     The government should file itself as a third party [can be named -"Bharat desh Virajman ",like the one :'Ramlala virajman '] in supreme court with this or the like proposals and take their approval for the cause of peace and national integration. The land in govt's possession should ,in no case be given to anyone.The government should utilise it for secular public purposes. By any means,we staunch seculars want to see the government in its GUTS.

2-B,Ashwini,greenfield heights,
New town, Kolkata.[w.b.]

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