सोमवार, 27 दिसंबर 2010

Rich Minority and real expression

Here is a report from FRIDA LASKI memorial lecture by Shri Satya P. Gautam , V.C., MJP Rohilkhand
University on 27, Dec 2010 , at Lucknow :-

"The richest 50 individuals in the world have a combined income greatest than that of the poorest 40 crore
people. "
            Now here , can I be allowed to say satirically that how minority these 50 persons are in ? And still we are not sympathetic to them .
In this way , a single lion or elefant can not be treated in minority against thousands of goats or sheep.

     However , I raised the matter of injustice being done on children and thereby to the civilisation by
lebelling the child with a certain religion from the time of their birth which they should be able to choose
or unchoose after attaining adulthood. But my voice went in vain.
Secondly a thought came into my mind while reading Matt cherry on the right to freedom of belief and
expression in Humanist Outlook Summer 2010.
 I think that the real misuse of freedom of expression lies in dissemination of false , ungrounded , unscientific religious thoughts and messages simply on the basis that it has come from  some supernatural source, a spirited sage or a sacred book.
Heresaying is real blasphemy to human wisdom and knowledge. Whereas saying NO , NO and NO is no
defamation to real religion. I may be wrong in my approach , but it is so.

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