I did adopt this style of journalism cas it suits my non stop haphazard writing. The writing of Hunter S. Thomoson. Credit goes to Bill Cardoso for papularising it. Below a screenshot about it from google.
(Ugra Nath)
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Gonzo journalism is a style of journalism that is written without claims of objectivity, often including the reporter as part of the story via a first-person narrative. The word "gonzo" is believed to have been first used in 1970 to describe an article by Hunter S. Thompson, who later popularized the style.
उग्रनाथ'नागरिक'(1946, बस्ती) का संपूर्ण सृजनात्मक एवं संरचनात्मक संसार | अध्यात्म,धर्म और राज्य के संबंध में साहित्य,विचार,योजनाएँ एवं कार्यक्रम @
बुधवार, 25 मार्च 2020
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